IMA South

Case Studies 2024

B6. Best use of TV - Healthcare

Categories Name : South Awards For Communication

Sub-Category : Best use of TV - Healthcare

Entry Name (Campaign) : See Like young with Dr Agarwals eye hospitals


Dr Agarwals eye care campaign to create awareness of eye diseases and the limitations around it Cataract Campaign That feeling of being young and living your passion. Doing what you love and loving all that you do. But with age, the passion dies down, the desire to do what you love takes a back seat. Most brush it off as growing old. Maybe there's more to it than meets the eye. Maybe, it's something to do with the eyes. What if you get back your perfect vision, and with that your passion, to live life on your terms, once again. What if you see like young, again? The idea is to give them another chance at youth by bringing back their eyesight with Dr Agarwals Eye Hospital. Refractive campaign While spectacles are widely accepted as a part of daily lives, it is a temporary solution which comes with its own limitations. It is NOT a permanent solution, REFRACTIVE is. Highlighting the trade-offs and adjustments one makes with life on a daily basis with spectacles