B02. In-App Advertising
Categories Name : Channel/Media Strategy
Sub-Category : In-App Advertising
Entry Name (Campaign) : AIR
In order to build excitement for the star studded drama film AIR, we partnered with premium publishers like CRED, Spotify and Inshorts. On CRED we deployed a gamified experience, where users had to first answer a set of questions about the film and those that got them right got a chance to play the jackpot. Some lucky users who won the jackpot received The Legend's Kit- Exclusive merchandise from the film. The whole experience was branded with AIR creatives and we used trailer bytes at multiple spots to open the plot of the film and the characters. We saw great engagement with this partnership, with a total of 662k quiz plays and a reach of over 8.5 Million. On Spotify we deployed custom audio ads, produced using a voiceover mixed with impactful dialogue bytes from the film. We also deployed a video headliner on launch with 100% SOV. Our campaign saw a reach of 11.3 Million and a total of over 20 Million Impressions. On InShorts we deployed a disruptive motion story which used innovative animation to catch the user's attention. A basketball rolls in front of what appears to be a normal news story, in turn revealing a motion poster of the film. We successfully reached out to over 3.3 Million users. Using these 3 platforms, we were able to reach out to a niche audience, and successfully served one of the best sports drama films of the year!