A15. Most Engaging Mobile Campaign
Categories Name : Marketing Strategy
Sub-Category : Most Engaging Mobile Campaign
Entry Name (Campaign) : NIVEA Soft Fresh Batch
1] We Exceeded our Penetration objective by 30%, We increased the Market share by 1% 2] The independent Nielsen study exhibited Brand Awareness Lift - Uplift of 77% 3] We saw a lift of whopping 35% in Purchase intent. 4] Message Association: 97% of the respondents correctly associated the brand Nivea with the hashtag #FreshBatchHunt 5] Campaign Reach – Campaign reached out to 157 Mn which is 3x of the planned reach numbers 6] Views – Total Video views delivered were around 9.35 Bn 6] Entries & Registration – 1.27 lac Female user successfully published a content on their social media by using NIVEA’s branded lens and tagging NIVEA’s Hashtag 7] Around 450 Mn engagement were received across different platforms. 8] Around 2 Mn user engaged with at least one of our AR lenses which is 2x of the planned numbers.