C14. AI & Machine Learning
Categories Name : Enabling Technologies
Sub-Category : AI & Machine Learning
Entry Name (Campaign) : Freedom Festival Campaign
As a part of our Independence Day campaign titled “Freedom Festival”, we implemented the campaign to celebrate India’s pioneering moments, we also used several in-house creatives and videos using AI tools, to populate it on social media Using organic social media posts, and a few promoted tweets we were able to capture the essence of digital payments and digital India, with Paytm being a true pioneer in the mobile payments space For the campaign, we used organic real-life use cases of the ongoing news in India and also deployed several AI tools to handcraft the campaign banners and videos With the help of timely tweet posts, we were able to reach different audiences and clusters, which are important for the brand. As more people are focussed on digital medium, the accounts reached on every tweet was exponentially high and a lot of other people also promoted the Digital India agenda, under the same wing